Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sunday Treat

I have to show off one of Lilah's new jumpers. I bought it and it's cute little black/white gingham friend off the etsy site for $19 a piece. That was with free monogramming and everything. You can't hardly get a dress from walmart for that price. I love a bargain.

When we got to church Sunday, it was discovered that the restrooms were flooded. We proceded with Sacrament meeting but they cancelled the rest of church. I'm not one to want to miss out on a good church session but it was such a relief to be able to go home and not have to wrestle with Lilah (and believe me, she's a good wrestler) and to be able to get a little rest before having to go to work. I could certainly get used to that. I'm thinking about getting to church a little early next Sunday and stuffing the toilets with toilet paper just to see what happens.


kayla said...

Holy cow...could that dress be any cuter? It looks like Lilah's wounds are healing nicely. I'm envious of your "Sunday treat" I might do the same thing to our bathrooms this next Sunday!!

Jensen Fam said...

That is adorable! I need to a little more etsy shopping! You have and pick out the cutest stuff for your kiddo. You definitely have good 'vision' when it comes to outfits. All her stuff is way too cute! And about your sign, I'm sure you've seen the sign on Skyland made out of monkey grass!? I think I am going to knock on their door tomorrow and ask if I can take a picture. :)

Nancy Booth said...

That outfit is just the cutest. I'll be glad when all her wounds heal up. She'll probably have a new one to take these one's places. Did that make sense? Somebody must have toliet papered those bathrooms with the same idea as you have. hahaha