Monday, May 11, 2009

It's been a while....

...since I've updated. There's nothing going on, as usual, other than night after night of hockey games. I guess I should take more pictures of McG in his uniforms but you can't tell it's him when his mask is on. I'll try to take some tonight. He has TWO games tonight. I'll try to take some of Lilah running at full speed for the whole hour long game and maybe I'll throw one of me trying to catch her and hold her down. Or maybe I'll take a picture or 2 of people laughing at me as I am chasing her!

Other than a lack of excitment around the house, Lilah and McGwire have decided they HATE getting their picture taken. Here's Mac heading out of the house for school the other day.

And here's Lilah before church last Sunday.

Yes, I do realize that hair bow looks ridiculous...

...but it's monogrammed and I love it!!!

I eventually realized it was way too big and didn't match her dress so I took it out.
It broke my heart, though.


Nancy Booth said...

hahaha. You and those monogram Lilah things. That just kills me (laughing). And she didn't take it out herself? Improvement! Great pictures of both of them. Can't wait to see McG in his uniform and you chasing Lilah. I should have taken pictures the last game we went to.

Bev said...

If i can get my scanner working i will scan you over my kindergarten picture from Holland. All the Dutch girls had bows bigger than their heads in the picture!!!

They both are adorable McGwire probably won't like me saying that about him

I hope you never get Lilah tatooed!!!

kayla said...

Ah, such sweet kiddos! Don't ya love it when they won't smile for you??? I say Lilah worked that bow!!

Jensen Fam said...

She'll totally grow into it! I love it!