Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Pictures

Tim has a meeting every Sunday at church at 1130 so the rest of us are left having a free for all for an hour before we have to leave for church. On this wild and crazy Sunday, McGwire's enjoying a little "pre-church" ice cream. Forget vegetables and protein for lunch, we're all about sugar and preservatives!!

I can't explain how much they both hate Sunday picture time.

I got Lilah to smile once....

... but certainly not twice.

If you look hard enough, you can make out the slightest little smile from McG but that's as close as we're gonna get.

Stay tuned for more pictures from the past couple of weeks. I'm a little behind due to Tim's pesky kidney stone!!!


Nancy Booth said...

They may hate Sunday pictures but I love them. They're so dressed up and precious. Lilah must have a new dress every Sunday of the year. I love your comments too. I look forward to the Sunday blog.

kayla said...

I love them too...I LOOOOOVVVEEE Lilah's dress....I just can't stand how cute she is!