Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Little Surprise Post

I do realize it's been well over a month since I've posted but in my defense, nothing has been going on and I haven't had a camera to play around with. McGwire had lost the camera bettery for a while but we did find it recently so now I can use the camera that got flung in the pool last year. I'll be able to post pictures, just crappy looking ones!! haha

Here's a couple of pictures I took yesterday while playing around with the camera.

Lilah playing with her laptop

McG playing basketball

Lilah watching McG play basketball

McG posing for the camera!

I'll try to take a few more pictures over the next few days. McG's got a team bowling party tomorrow and then Sunday pics this weekend. We'll see if I can get back in the habit of posting!


Austin Stevenson Owens said...

YAY, a bonus! :D It's fun to check in and see what is going on now that I never see you!!

kayla said...

Girl, you are putting me to shame! I'm so in a blog rut! I even have some pics to put up, but I just can't get my butt going on it...but, I do enjoy getting a surprise when I come to your keep um coming!! The kids are too cute by the way!

Nancy Booth said...

Welcome back. You've been missed! The kids are soooo cute and good shot, McG. Can't wait 'till Sunday.